Perseids 1997: Results
Visual-, Photographic-, Video- and Radio-observations
Perseids '97 : an overview
Visual results: team VST/EPS (Lattrop) (25 august)
Visual results: team Orion (Bussloo) (25 august)
Visual results: team Pisces Orientalis (Varsseveld)
Visual results: team Delphinus Biddinghuizen (13 august)
Photographic results: team Delphinus Biddinghuizen (14 august)
Radio results: Peter Bus Groningen (13 august)
Visual results: Erwin van Ballegoij Sayda & Biddinghuizen (15 august)
Original press announcements (in Dutch!) (17 august)
Latest news:
- Night 4/5 august was a perfect one! Clear from start to finish, lots of activity and very fine bright meteors!
- Night 5/6 august was almost as perfect as the night before! Again clear from start to finish, a somewhat smaller number of meteors and the bright ones back to normal levels.
- Night 6/7 august again was perfect! Activity normal, no bright meteors, MIR+Soyuz 7 degrees in twilight, probable statellite decay.
- Night 7/8 august started O.K. but soon conditions detoriated. From east to west a cloudcover passed the country. Activity normal, a bright Perseid in the beginning of the night, MIR+Soyuz+Progress observed.
- Night 8/9 august started a little bit hazy but the last half was extremely good! Inkblack sky with excellent observing conditions until low in the sky! Activity rose to high levels during this second part of the night. Some fine bright meteors were observed. MIR+Soyuz+Progress passed over in twilight.
- Night 9/10 august started clear but soon conditions get worse. After 1 UT altocumuli obscured the sky at Biddinghuizen. Stations Bussloo and Varsseveld in the eastern part of Holland had worse conditions and could not observe at all. So from the middle of the night photographing was stopped at Biddinghuizen too. Activity normal, some bright meteors. And the MIR+Soyuz+Progress combination passed over ones again. Distance between MIR and Progress increases stadily.
- Night 10/11 august started with (small) alto-cumulus clouds in the center of Holland. After about 1 hour sky cleared and conditions were again excellent! In the eastern part of Holland sky conditions were excellent right from the start! Activity was fine but normal as compared with previous returns for this night. A number of bright meteors were observed but no fireballs.
- Night 11/12 was the best of all!! Exceptionally clear from zenith to horizon and from start to finish all over the country!! Activity was high but not extraordinairy. 3 bright fireballs appeared tonight.
- Night 12/13 started with cirrus bands over greater parts of the country. This cirrusband moved very slowly from west to east. After moonset conditions improved considerably. Eastern stations still were hampered by cirrus. The night started with a couple of fine fireballs. Activity was good around midnight. During the last hour activity dropped markedly.
- Night 13/14 august was the first partly cloudy night after a weak frontpassage. Most stations in the Netherlands did not observe this night. The warm and sunny weather will nevertheless continue over western Europe. But moonlight will frustrate observations.
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This page was last modified on September 2, 1999 by Casper ter Kuile and Hans Betlem |