Perseids 1997: visual results
team Orion, Bussloo
The meteor group Orion with the visual observers Guus Docters van Leeuwen, Olga van Mil and Jeffrey Landlust was active during the Perseďds from 4/5 August until 12/13 August 1997. Our group started as a part of the Varsseveld team but we settled at another location to get multistation photographic images.
We started the night 5/6 August with photographic observations and decided that a good strategic place for us to work was at Lüllingen in Germany. Unfortunately there was to much disturbing light in the area which made us decide to move to the Public Observatory of Bussloo. Bussloo is a place, which lies between Varsseveld and Biddinghuizen where our other double station group "Delphinus" was active. So we had to drive about 40 km. That was one of the arguments to stay there for a few nights, as it was just to far and tiring to drive from Varsseveld to Bussloo every night. Happily there where during the maximum nights a few observers who joined and helped us viewing and clocking all meteors.
Varsseveld and Orion observers:
From left to right (up):
Robin van Gaal, Jeffrey Landlust and Olga van Mil.
(down) Michelle van Rossum, Els Riep
and Guus Docters van Leeuwen.
Olga van Mil and Jeffrey Landlust
as part of the Orion team
in their mobile observatory.
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This page was last modified on August 25, 1997 by Olga van Mil and Casper ter Kuile |