Perseids 1997: visual results

Erwin van Ballegoij, Sayda & Biddinghuizen

Date    : August 9/10, 1997
Observer: Erwin van Ballegoij (VANEJ)
Location: Sayda, Germany, 50d 42' N,  13d 25' E

UT              Teff    Lm      Per     N-dAqr  S-iAqr  Cyg   Spo  Ntot

22:16 - 23:33   0.88    6.1     15      1       1       2     2    21

Note: S-dAqr, N-iAqr and Cap observed, but no members of 
these streams were seen.

Stream  0       1       2       3       4       5

Spor    0       0       0       1       1       0
Per     1       5       4       3       2       0
N-dAqr  0       0       0       0       1       0
S-iAqr  0       0       0       0       0       1
Cyg     0       0       1       0       0       1


Date    : August 12/13, 1997
Observer: Erwin van Ballegoij (VANEJ)
Location: Biddinghuizen, the Netherlands, 52d 29' N,  5d 41' E

UT              Teff    Lm      Per    Aqr    Cyg    Cap    Spo    Ntot

23:00 - 00:02   1.03    5.7     30      5      2      1      14     52
00:02 - 01:06   1.07    5.9     27      8      1      1      17     54
01:06 - 02:15   1.15    5.6     37      4      3      0      13     57

TOTAL           3.25    <5.7>   94     17      6      2      44     163

Note: No differentiation in Aquarid substreams was made 
because the Aquarids were not plotted.
Stream  -5     -1      0      1      2       3       4       5       6
Spor     0      1      0      0      2      10      12      18       1
Per      1      3      1      8     27      25      21       8       0
Aqr      0      0      0      0      3       7       3       4       0
Cyg      0      0      0      0      1       1       2       2       0
Cap      0      0      0      0      0       0       2       0       0

Erwin van Ballegoij

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Erwin van Ballegoij and Casper ter Kuile