Leonids 2000 : Impressions and Results
Almodôvar, Algarve, Portugal

DMS-members Koen Miskotte, Carl Johannink and Marco Langbroek observing the Leonids 2000

Visual 16/17Marco Langbroek, Almodôvar, Portugal
Visual 17/18Marco Langbroek, Almodôvar, Portugal
Visual 17/18Koen Miskotte, Almodôvar, Portugal
Visual 16-18Carl Johannink, Almodôvar, Portugal
Visual 16-18Marco Langbroek, Almodôvar, Portugal

Last updated: 1 december 2000

Leonids 2000 : Visual Results 16/17
by Marco Langbroek, Almodôvar, Algarve, Portugal
DMS-members Koen Miskotte, Carl Johannink and Marco Langbroek observing the Leonids 2000


Below a table with my Leonid data from the night of November 16-17, obtained while observing under excellent conditions from Almodôvar in southern Portugal. In total, 2.52h effective yielded 65 Leonids. Rates were already slightly enhanced, (average ZHR ~25), especially during the last part of the session, with rates slightly rising from ~1.5 to ~2 times the normal annual values. My magnitude estimates yield an r-value of 3.0 for this period (compare to 2.5 the next night).
We focussed on the last hours of the night because we first took some sleep -on Wednesday 15 November we decided to book a last-minute flight from the Netherlands to Portugal for November 16, so we spent the larger part of the day of the 16th travelling by aircraft and then by car.

- Marco Langbroek (DMS)

Obs.: Marco Langbroek (LANMA)
Loc.: Almodôvar, Portugal, 37d 31' N, 8d 00' W
Date: November 16-17, 2000

UT          Teff   Lm    Leo  Tau  Spo
3:40-4:02   0.37   6.4    5    2    4
4:02-4:32   0.50   6.4   15    0    6
4:32-5:02   0.50   6.4    8    2    6
5:02-5:32   0.50   6.4   12    0    8
5:32-6:11   0.65   6.4   25    0    6

TOTAL       2.52         65    4   30   99

strm/mag   -1    0   +1   +2   +3   +4   +5
Leonids     3    2    3   12   16   25    4   <2.95>
Sporadics   0    1    0    3   12   12    2   <3.33>
Taurids     0    0    1    2    1    0    0   <2.00>

03:51	17	7
04:17	33	9
04:47	16	6
05:17	22	6
05:52	34	7

Marco Langbroek            private: marcolan@stad.dsl.nl
Leiden University          work: m.langbroek@arch.leidenuniv.nl
Faculty of Archaeology     website: http://homes.dsl.nl/~marcolan
P.O. Box 9515                         
NL-2300 RA Leiden
The Netherlands

Leonids 2000 : Visual Results 17/18
by Marco Langbroek, Almodôvar, Algarve, Portugal
DMS-members Koen Miskotte, Carl Johannink and Marco Langbroek observing the Leonids 2000


A quick note: we (Koen Miskotte, Carl Johannink and me) just returned from a last-minute campaign to southern Portugal (we decided to book a last minute flight for Nov.16-19 on the afternoon of November 15 because of very bad weather in the Netherlands).

Observing at Almodôvar (~75 km north of Faro) we witnessed an impressive show on November 17-18. I do not have real data available yet (hope to supply those in due time...), but we observed from ~1:30 UT to ~6 UT and continuously had rates well into the multiple meteors per minute (from 2-3 up to 7-8/minute), even when the radiant still was quite low in the sky, with Lm's at around +6.3 for me personally (notwithstanding moonlight!!) and very clear sky. Our field impression, and this seems to be backed by a look at some very preliminary raw data from one of us (JOHCA), is that there were TWO distinct peaks this night, one close to 2UT and a second near 3:30 UT. Please note: this is only an impression from the field and I am not (yet) possible to substantiate it with data.

Many bright meteors this night including several sub-zero events, and 3 major fireballs (a -6 and two -8's) with long persistent trains (one up to 10 minutes). In the list of my Leonid experiences from 1995 onwards this night ranks 3th best in impressiveness, after the 1999 storm and 1998 fireball component.

The nigh before, 16-17, we observed from ~2:30 to ~6 UT. Although modest, rates were definitely ENHANCED during the last 3 hours and at least twice as high as normal annual Leonid activity. To me, it was quite similar to the 1995 enhancement in outlook.

Below a table with my data from the night of November 17-18. We had very good conditions in Portugal, I am amazed about the limiting magnitude considering the moonlight! (note the effect of climbing moon). The 'tric' we did was that we used a low wall surrounding the little chapel to block the moon from vision during most part of the night. The secluded observing site and clear sky conditions did the rest.

My highest one-minute counts were 6-9 Leonids per minute short before 3:30 UTC

There appear to be at least two maxima in the profile; one first between 2:00- 2:15 UTC with ZHR ~240. Then rates decline notably to ~160 near 2:45 UTC. They rise again to a second maximum around 3:30 UTC with ZHR ~270. During the last hour, rates rise again, probably the onset of the peak over the States some 2 hours later. Please note that all quoted rate values are very preliminary.

Data from November 16-17 will follow later.

- Marco Langbroek (DMS)

Observer: Marco Langbroek (LANMA)
Location: Almodôvar, Portugal, 37d 31' N, 8d 00' W
Date    : 17-18 November, 2000

UT          Teff   Lm     Leo    Tau    Spo
1:29-1:45   0.20   6.6    12      1      3
1:45-2:00   0.25   6.6    22      0      1
2:00-2:15   0.25   6.5    29      2      7
2:15-2:30   0.25   6.5    24      1      2
2:30-2:45   0.23   6.4    29      1      1
2:45-3:00   0.25   6.4    24      1      1
3:00-3:14   0.23   6.4    39      1      0
3:17-3:30   0.22   6.4    46      2      1
3:30-3:44   0.23   6.4    46      0      5
3:45-4:00   0.23   6.4    33      1      4
4:00-4:15   0.20   6.4    31      1      2
4:45-5:00   0.25   6.4    37      0      2
5:00-5:15   0.25   6.2    35      0      2
5:15-5:30   0.25   6.2    39      0      4
5:30-5:45   0.25   5.9    35      0      5
(5:45-5:54  0.15   var    26      0      2)

TOTAL       3.69         507     11     42      560

stream  -8   -7 // -2   -1    0   +1   +2   +3   +4   +5
Leo      1    1     6   17   19   44  100  148  121   50    <2.72>
Spo                                1    4   10   21    6    <3.64>
Tau                                1    4    5    0    1    <1.73>

01:36	165	47
01:52	202	43
02:07	250	46
02:22	181	37
02:37	231	43
02:52	158	32
03:07	254	41
03:24	287	42
03:37	254	38
03:52	170	30
04:07	173	31
04:52	144	24
05:07	157	26
05:22	170	27
05:37	195	33

Marco Langbroek           private: marcolan@stad.dsl.nl
Leiden University         work: m.langbroek@arch.leidenuniv.nl
Faculty of Archaeology    website: http://homes.dsl.nl/~marcolan
P.O. Box 9515             
NL-2300 RA Leiden
The Netherlands

Leonids 2000 : Visual Results 16/17/18
by Carl Johannink, Almodôvar, Algarve, Portugal
DMS-members Koen Miskotte, Carl Johannink and Marco Langbroek observing the Leonids 2000

Observer: Johannink , Carl (IMO-code JOHCA)
Location: Almodôvar, Portugal, lat. 37 40' North / lon. 7 55' West

Nov. 16/17 start 03:35 UT / end 06:02 UT ; Teff = 2,45 hours ; centre at alfa 5h ; decl. 60 degrees (04:40 UT)
Nov. 17/18 start 01:17 UT / end 05:54 UT ; Teff = 4,48 hours ; centre at alfa 3h ; decl. 45 degrees (01:35 UT)

15 min. - interval with highest Leo-counts: 03:19 - 03:34 UT (43) (40 or higher in the intervals 03:17 - 03:36 UT)
10 min. - interval with highest Leo-counts: 03:24 - 03:34 UT (29)
5 min. - interval with highest Leo-counts: 03:27 - 03:32 UT (17) (15 or higher in the intervals 03:27 - 03:35 UT)

Number of Leonids in 15 minute intervals
Uncorrected for Radiant elevation

Leonids 2000 : Visual Results 16/17/18
by Koen Miskotte, Almodôvar, Algarve, Portugal
DMS-members Koen Miskotte, Carl Johannink and Marco Langbroek observing the Leonids 2000

Observer: Koen Miskotte, IMO code MISKO
Location: Almodôvar, Portugal, lat. 37 40' North / lon. 7 55' West

Date         Start      End        Teff  N meteors  Observing direction
17-11-2000   03:35:00   06:11:00   02:55    98      NW 50 degrees high
18-11-2000   01:18:00   05:54:00   04:44   694      NW 50 degrees high

Number of Leonids in 15 minute intervals
Uncorrected for Radiant elevation

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Carl Johannink and Casper ter Kuile