Leonids '99: Expedition Set-Up

DMS Leonids'99 Expedition to France, Spain, Portugal

1. Observing groups
2. Locations
3. Teammembers
4. Timetable
5. Equipment
6. Considerations

Leonids '99 logo : design by Robert Haas

DMS observational groups
PerpignanFrance (2 stations)
MadridSpain (2 stations)
FaroPortugal (2 stations)

Observing Locations of DMS teams

1 = Team "Delingha" - Perpignan - France (movable)
2 = Team "Delingha" - Narbonne - France (movable)
3 = Team "Xinglong" - Madrid - Spain (mobile)
4 = Team "Xinglong" - Madrid - Spain (mobile)
5 = Team "Lin Ting Kou" - Faro - Portugal (mobile)
6 = Team "Lin Ting Kou" - Faro - Portugal (mobile)

Members of team "Delingha" (France):

    1. Carl Johannink - Perpignan
    2. Casper ter Kuile - Perpignan
    3. Marco Langbroek - Perpignan
    4. Marc de Lignie - Perpignan
    5. Elisabeth Middelhoff - Perpignan
    6. Koen Miskotte - Perpignan

    7. Robert Haas - Narbonne
    8. Jos Nijland - Narbonne
    9. Romke Schievink - Narbonne
    10. Arnold Tukkers - Narbonne
    11. Rita Verhoef - Narbonne

Members of team "Xinglong" (Teruel, Spain):

    1. Hans Betlem
    2. Annemarie Zoete
    3. Michelle van Rossum
    4. Guus Docters van Leeuwen

    5. Pavel Spurny (Ondrejov Observatory, Czech Republic)
    6. Anna Spurny (Ondrejov Observatory, Czech Republic)
    7. Ales Kolar (Ondrejov Observatory, Czech Republic)
    8. Pavel Trepka (Ondrejov Observatory, Czech Republic)

Members of team "Lin Ting Kou" (Portugal):

    1. Peter Bus
    2. Jaap van 't Leven
    3. Olga van Mil
    4. Alex Scholten


Expedition set-up of team "Delingha" (France-Perpignan):

Expedition set-up of team "Delingha" (France-Narbonne):

Expedition set-up of team "Xinglong" (Spain base-station):

All-Sky picture by Pavel Spurny of a bright Leonid '98 fireball at Xinglong station

Expedition set-up of team "Xinglong" (Spain secondary-station):

Pavel Spurny and the Czech fireball patrol camera EN-15 during the Perseids '99

Expedition set-up of team "Lin Ting Kou" (Portugal):

Astronomical conditions at various locations

With respect to astronomical conditions DMS members evaluated all possibilities.
The table below summarizes some astronomical parameters for three well known observing locations. Carefully evaluating the data in the table it should be clear why DMS observers favor locations in France or Spain for observing the Leonids '99.

Radiant Elevation and Twilight
Latitude28 N43 N32 N
Longitude-17 W+3 E+36 E
0 UT-8+12+36
1 UT+3+23+49
2 UT+16+34+61
3 UT+28+45+73
4 UT+42+55+80
Astronomical6h08m UT5h02m UT2h40m UT
Nautical6h36m UT5h36m UT3h09m UT
Civil7h05m UT6h10m UT3h39m UT

To summarize: when we consider the theory of Asher & McNaught the outburst of the Leonids '99 should peak at about 2 UT. Then an observing location such as the Canary Islands is to far west because of low Radiant elevation. No problems with twilight at this location however. An observing location such as in Jordan has an excellent Radiant elevation but twilight interferes observations too early. This is why DMS observers decided to have France, Spain and Portugal as there observing locations. Another added advantage is the ease of the logistics operations involved. But as with all decisions there is a marked risk: the weather situation in this time of the year in western Europa.

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Dutch Meteor Society This page was last modified on October 10, 1999 by
Casper ter Kuile, Carl Johannink, Hans Betlem