Weather forecasts
To plan expeditions or any other observing session
Forecasts Weathermaps
Precipitation / Clouds
Imagery US Navy & US Air Force
Britain / France / Germany / Spain
Dutch Weather Detailed weather (KNMI)
Weathernews / Webcams
Casper ter Kuile
Weathermaps and
satellite imagery
for planning expeditions
and observing sessions
in Europe Climate Resources
Last updated: 7 december 2004
To plan expeditions or any other observing session
Name Short to long range predictions [hours]
Surface level pressure [hPa]HIRLAM
Analyse +06 +12 +24 +36 +60 +84 DWD
+00 +24 +48 +72 GME
+00 +12 +24 +36 +48 +60 +72 Sembach
+00 +12 +18 +24 +30 +36 +48 +72 +96 +120 VTM
+12 +24 +36 +60 +84 +108 +132 Bracknell
+00 +24 +36 +48 +60 +72 +84 +96 +108 +120 +132 UKMO
+96 +120 +144 NOGAPS
+00 +12 +24 +36 +48 +60 +72 +96 +120 +144 ECMWF
+72 +96 +120 +144 +168 JMA
+00 +24 +48 +72 +96 +120 +144 +168 +192 GEM
+00 +24 +48 +72 +96 +120 +144 +168 +192 +216 +240 ENS
+24 +48 +72 +96 +120 +144 +168 +192 +216 +240 +264 +288 +312 +336 +360 GFS
+00 +12 +24 +36 +48 +60 +72 +84 +96 +120 +144 +168 +192 +216 +240 +264 +288 +312 +336 +360 +384
To plan expeditions or any other observing session
Type 1 - 16 day predictions [hours]
Precipitation [mm]JMA
+24 +48 +72 +96 +120 +144 +168 +192 NOGAPS
+12 +24 +36 +48 +60 +72 +84 +96 +108 +120 +132 +144 GEM
+12 +24 +36 +48 +60 +72 +84 +96 +108 +120 +132 +144 +168 +192 +216 +240 GFS
+12 +24 +36 +48 +60 +72 +84 +96 +108 +120 +132 +144 +168 +192 +216 +240 +264 +288 +312 +336 +360 +384
10-day panel SLP/Precipitation : MRF-Europa (Purdue University)
10-day total precipitation : MRF-Europa (COLA)
To plan expeditions or any other observing session
Type 1 - 16 day predictions [hours]
Clouds [%]GFS
+12 +24 +36 +48 +60 +72 +84 +96 +108 +120 +132 +144 +168 +192 +216 +240 +264 +288 +312 +336 +360 +384
US Navy & US Air Force - Europe
To plan expeditions or any other observing session
Infrared Visual US Navy Infrared Visual US Air Force Infrared Visual US Air Force
To plan expeditions or any other observing session
Wetterzentrale Georg Müller Westwind Markus Pfister Wetter Welt Michael Wienzek NOAA AVHRR Products Praha
To plan expeditions or any other observing session
Visual Infrared UK Metoffice Visual Infrared Nottingham Visual Infrared Dundee
NOAA - France
To plan expeditions or any other observing session
VIS1 (reduced) VIS1 (full) IR1 (reduced) IR1 (full) VIS2 (reduced) VIS2 (full) IR2 (reduced) IR2 (full) Quicklook (NOAA-archive)
NOAA - Germany
To plan expeditions or any other observing session
Middle Europe 1 (DLR) Middle Europe 2 (DLR) Middle Europe 3 (DLR)
NOAA - Spain
To plan expeditions or any other observing session
VIS1 (reduced) VIS1 (full) IR1 (reduced) IR1 (full) VIS2 (reduced) VIS2 (full) IR2 (reduced) IR2 (full)
Dutch Weather - KNMI
To plan expeditions or any other observing session
Main KNMI weather entry pages Main page: warnings, forecasts and observations Main page: detailed weather Main page: actual weather and long range forecasts Main page: computer models
Written detailed forecasts Guidance Meteorologist Weather bulletin for small aircraft
Europe Weathercharts Europe weatherchart Europe stationreports Actual weather: SYNOPS
HIRLAM, ECMWF and EPS Weathercharts based on the HIRLAM and ECMWF models Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) plume model EPS plume model and ice thickness Bardiagrams: statistics
Satellite pictures Latest Meteosat - C2D Latest Meteosat - IR2 - D2 Latest Meteosat - VIS - IR (Dundee) Latest Meteosat - VIS - IR (NEMOC) Latest NOAA - Visual - half res (Wetter-Welt) NOAA series - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 (DWD) Latest NOAA - VIS - IR - TBB - RGB (Praag) Satrep - Europe and Regional (KNMI)
Precipitation - Radar Precipitation - Radar (WeerOnline) Precipitation - Radar (de Weerkamer) Precipitation - Radar ( Precipitation - Radar (InfoClimat)
Thunder and lightning Thunderstorms - Convective Weather (USAFE-OWS) Lightning - Links to lightning (Schaap bliksembeveiliging) Lightning - NexStorm ( Lightning - Real-Time Lightning (Martin van Mourik) Lightning - (Van der Heide B.V.) Lightning - Bliksem (WeerOnline) Lightning - Blitz - Spion (Siemens)
Dutch Weather others
To plan expeditions or any other observing session
Predictions by LittoClime for Benelux Precipitation and Isothermes Temperature and Surface Level Pressure Cloud cover Wind Force and Direction
Donderkop Karim Hamid Meteoplaza Weerbureau HWS VWKWEB Vereniging voor
Weerkunde & KlimatologieESTOFEX European Storm Forecast Experiment Precipitation De Weerkamer Precipitation Meteo Consult Satellite Images Meteo Consult Lightning Explorer van der Heide
Dutch Webcams
To plan expeditions or any other observing session
Maasvlakte Scheveningen De Bilt IJmuiden Krommenie Heemskerk Harderwijk Hengelo Wageningen Grootebroek Amsterdam - TV3000 Amsterdam - Rexx
Climate resources
To plan expeditions or any other observing session
NCDC (National Climatic Data Center) CLIMVIS (Global summary of the day) WeatherOnline
All about the weather
To plan expeditions or any other observing session
Weathernews (KNMI - in Dutch) Weathernews (Meteo Consult - in Dutch)
Weatherinformation for the Iberian Pensulina
To plan expeditions or any other observing session
Please : special attention for expeditions to Spain and Portugal:
Forecasts using the HIRLAM model by the Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INM)
Calar Alto Weather and Seeing Station - Centro Astronomico Hispano Aleman - Almeria
Latest NOAA-pass half resolution - WetterWelt by Michael Wienzek
Weather forecast Spain - Weather Underground
Weather predictions Europe - Meteosurf
Name Local predictions for major city's
Leonids 2002ENS
Bordeau Marseille Barcelona Madrid Almeria Lissabon MRF
Bordeau Marseille Barcelona Madrid Almeria Lissabon AVN
Bordeau Marseille Barcelona Madrid Almeria Lissabon
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This page was last modified on 7 december 2004 by Casper ter Kuile, Carl Johannink, Hans Betlem |