Organisational structure of the DMS
Introducing the Dutch Meteor Society

The Dutch Meteor Society (DMS) was founded in 1979 by Hans Betlem. It is an informal society of active observers working on a base of equality: there's no chairman, no board of directors, no council, no hierarchical structure. The society consists of cooperating but autonomous active observational groups and a few volunteers who gather data of these groups for an analysis.

General address
Title Dutch Meteor Society
Address Lederkarper 4
Zip-code NL-2318 NB
City Leiden
Country the Netherlands
Phone +(31)-71-5223817
GSM +(31)-6-54636033
Fax +(31)-71-5223817
E-mail betlem (at)

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if you want to become a member of the

Dutch Meteor Society

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