DMS Membership Application Form

Welcome to the Membership Application Form of the Dutch Meteor Society! Please fill out this form if you want to become a member of the Dutch Meteor Society. If you are a member of DMS you will:

The subscription rate for volume 18 (1996; 6 issues) of RADIANT: Dfl 40.-- (Netherlands); Dfl 50.-- (foreign)
Payment can be made by International Money Order, payable to:
M.J. Betlem, Lederkarper 4, NL-2318 NB Leiden, the Netherlands.
or by direct giro transfer to Dutch Postal giro account no. 41.18.827, Dutch Meteor Society.
In case of direct giro transfer of bank cheques Dfl 15.-- must be added to cover the cost of handling.
No credit cards accepted. Back issues will be submitted at a rate of Hfl. 7,-- if in stock

Name: Sexe: m v Organisation: Address: Number: Zip-code: City: Country: Phonenumber: FAX-number: E-mail: Comment:

Thank you for your application! We will contact you as soon as possible!

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