Leonids 2000 : Impressions and Results
by Hans Betlem, Sierra Nevada, Andalucia, Spain

DMS-members Hans Betlem et.al. observing the Leonids 2000


1. The expedition started at Autocaravan Expresse in Madrid. Wednesday, November 15, 2000. Target for the first day : Manzanares, about 200 km to the south. Investigations on the map how to cross the city of Madrid. From right to left : Steve Evans (UK), Jiri Borovicka (Czech Republic) and Hans Betlem (Netherlands)

2. Observing site Curica, South-East of Spain. November 17, 2000. The cold front has crossed the country and a cold wind from the North-West is carrying cold clear air. This image shows the view in eastern direction where we could see the radiant of the Leonids rising from the horizon (together with the 50% moon)

3. Motorhome and photographic equipment of station Curica. November 17, 2000. View in Northwestern direction.

4. Czech observer Rosta Stork is computing the aiming points for the video equipment. During the expedition the camper acted as mobile observatory and control center for all equipment. Unfortunately the heater on board failed after the first night making the stay rather uncomfortable.

5. 23 Canon T-70 cameras in operation from station Curica.

6. After a successful expedition both teams emptied a few bottles together to celebrate the success…

7. November 19, 2000. It's a long, long way home....

Leonids 2000 : Results
by Hans Betlem, Sierra Nevada, Andalucia, Spain

DMS-members Hans Betlem et.al. observing the Leonids 2000

First photographic results station Lucainena, Spain (37°02'13".3 N ; 357°46"01".6 E; alt. 707.5 m) 269 Leonids were photographed from this station, many of them double station with station Curica (37°51'26".6 N ; 357°34'06".2 E; alt. 1007 m) where 417 Leonids were captured on film. On both station batteries of automated Canon T-70 camera's with FD f/1.8-50 mm lenses were used. The rotating shutters occulted at 50 breaks per second.

Figure 1.
-2 Leonid on november 18, 2000 2h08m28s UT.
1a (left) Lucainena image in Lep. 1b (right) Curica image in Col.

Figure 2.
-5 Leonid fireball on November 18, 2000 4h48m46s UT.
2a (left) Lucainena 2b (right) Curica. Both images in Hya.

Figure 3.
Long trail of a -4 Leonid fireball on November 18, 2000 1h36m43s UT.
3a (left) Lucainena 3b (center) Curica (begin) 3c (right) Curica (end)

Figure 4.
-8 Leonid fireball with terminal flare. November 18, 2000 2h41m43s UT. The fainter meteor appeared at 2h40m03s UT and was also photographed from both stations.
4a (left) Lucainena (end) 4b (center) Lucainena (begin) 4c (right) Curica.

Figure 5.
3 brilliant Leonid images near Polaris. November 18, 2000.
From right to left: 5h08m20s UT (-2) ; 5h10m08s UT (-1.5) ; 5h09m23s UT (-1) Curica photograph.

Figure 6.
-3 Leonid in Draco. November 18, 2000 3h48m26s UT. Curica.

Figure 7a & 7b.
Double station sporadic meteor (-2) on november 19, 2000 0h35m06s UT.
Images from Curica (left) and Lucainena (right).
The radiant is computed in the southern part of Auriga.

a (AU)28.8h begin (km)104.0
e0.966+/-0.003h end (km)69.3
q (AU)0.127+/-0.002V inf (km/s)44.3+/-0.3
omega318.22+/-0.08Radiant (2000.0)

Figure 8.
Very long trail of an early Leonid, crossing through Cygnus.
Curica, November 18, 2000 between 0h38m and 0h48m UT.

Lucainena images: All photos by Steve Evans and processed by Hans Betlem.
Curica images: Taken and processed by Hans Betlem.

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