IMO Meteor Shower Calendar 2003

The 2003 Meteor Shower Calendar is now available online at:

We hope you enjoy the compilation and look forward to your contributions observing-wise and in any respect to meteor astronomy.

Note that some of the shower information was updated according to analyses of the long-term behaviour of meteor showers. Since the data collected in the IMO are fully public, we would like to encourage you to rise to the challenge of meteor shower analysis. Please contact me for obtaining the most recent data sets.

Members of the IMO should have received their printed version of the Calendar together with the August issue of WGN.

Rainer Arlt

Rainer Arlt -- Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam --
Visual Commission - International Meteor Organization -- -- phone: +49-331-7499-354 -- fax: +49-331-7499-526

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