RADIANT: Journal of the DMS

red_dotCurrent, Previous and Golden issues of Radiant
red_dotGeneral information on subscriptions of RADIANT
red_dotBibliographic Index of RADIANT Volume 1-22 (1979-2000)

Last updated: March 31, 2003


This page contains information regarding the bi-monthly journal of the Dutch Meteor Society: RADIANT. This page will be updated when a new issue of Radiant appears.

Current, Previous and Golden issues
RADIANT: Journal of the DMS

Current Issue Previous Issue Golden Issue
No. 24/6, december 2002No. 24/5, october 2002No. 18/5, october 1996
Current Issue of Radiant Previous Issue of Radiant Golden Issue of Radiant

Please note: to read the PDF-files on the DMS FTP-server you need the Adobe Acrobat reader! If you do not have the reader you may download if from the website of Adobe.

General information on Subscriptions
RADIANT: Journal of the DMS

RADIANT is a bi-monthly journal. The editors of Radiant welcome contributions in Dutch and English. Please direct all correspondence regarding RADIANT to:

Address Lederkarper 4
Zip-code NL-2318 NB
City Leiden
Country the Netherlands
E-mail radiant (at) dmsweb.org
Phone +(31)-71-5223817
GSM +(31)-6-54636033
Fax +(31)-71-5223817

The subscription rate for volume 25 (2003, 6 issues) of RADIANT:

the Netherlands Euro 22,--
Europe (air mail) Euro 24,--
elsewhere (air mail) Euro 26,--

Payment can be made by International Money Order, payable to:
M.J. Betlem, Lederkarper 4, NL-2318 NB Leiden, the Netherlands.
or by direct giro transfer to Dutch Postal giro account no. 41.18.827, Dutch Meteor Society. In case of direct giro transfer of bank cheques Euro 7,-- must be added to cover the cost of handling. No credit cards accepted. Back issues will be submitted at a rate of Euro 4,-- if in stock.

Bibliographic Index Volumes 1-22 (1979-2000)
RADIANT: Journal of the DMS

This index can be downloaded as:
Microsoft Access version 97 in
Microsoft Access version 2000 in
Microsoft Excel version 97 or in
Help Text

For the complete index a free disk space of 500 kB is needed. Several search query's are added and all publications with an abstract in English are marked. Any remarks which might improve the Radiant Bibliographical Index are welcomed. Please report typing errors to me (Hans Betlem): "radiant (at) dmsweb.org" as they might affect a proper working of the search query's. Major updates of the Bibliographical Index will be uploaded every year after Radiant 6 is issued. Due to the high cost the Dutch Meteor Society has no photocopy service. However nearly all issues of Radiant are still in stock as back issue. Back issues may be ordered via Internet and cost Euro 3,-- (about 3 US$) each. Payment can be made by Eurocheque or International Money order.


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Dutch Meteor Society This page was last modified on March 31, 2003 by
radiant (at) dmsweb.org and webmaster (at) dmsweb.org