saturday 8 april, Genk - Belgium

Longitude= -5° 30' 06'' Latitude= +50° 57' 52''

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On September 23, 1995 twenty DMS meteorobservers gather at the public observatory at Bussloo in advance of the DMS Leonids/alfa Monocerotids expedition to Spain. Note the photographic and video-equipment in front of the observers for three Dutch station and the Spanish station in Andalucia. (Photo by Kees Roos)

Contact Information

Preliminary programme

Please contact Jean-Marie Biets for any further information:

We hope many of you will join us in Genk and we wish everybody a happy and interesting meeting, especially with future activities in mind.

Please stay tuned: this information will be updated regularly!

How to find the Europlanetarium

The Europlanetarium is easily reached from exit 32 of highway E314 (Antwerp - Aachen). Follow direction "recreatieoord Kattevennen" (tourist site) or "St.Jansziekenhuis" (Hospital). The entrance of "recreatieoord Kattevennen" is at the opposite of the Hospital.

Links to interesting sites

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DMS homepage
back.gif This page was last modified on March 16, 2000 by
Jean-Marie Biets and Casper ter Kuile