Leonid MAC Workshop
NASA-Ames Research Center
April 12-15, 1999

Second announcement

This is to remind you that the deadline for registration for the Leonid MAC Workshop is coming up on: March 1.

Automatic registration: http://leonid.arc.nasa.gov/workshops/

Purpose of the workshop is to review the first results of the 1998 Leonid campaigns, both ground-based and airborne campaigns, discuss the relevant science, and make recommendations for the upcoming campaigns in November 1999 (in time to help the necessary preparations).

Researchers from the fields of meteor physics, atmosphere science, planetary astronomy, and astrobiology are invited to attend, as well as those concerned with the satelite impact hazard of meteor storms. The meeting is international and open to amateurs.

We anticipate an exciting 3-day meeting that is very interdisciplinary in nature and that will set the stage for the organisation of next year's campaigns, our last chance to witness a meteor storm in our lifetime.


Dr. Peter Jenniskens

LOC Leonid MAC Workshop (chair)

   Peter Jenniskens       
   The SETI Institute             e-mail: peter@max.arc.nasa.gov
   NASA Ames Research Center      tel: (650) 604-3086
   Mail Stop 239-4                fax: (650) 604-1088
   Moffett Field, CA  94035-1000  
   e-mail (attachments): pjenniskens@mail.arc.nasa.gov

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