Lyrids 2001: Photographic results!

DMS-members observing the Lyrids 2001

The Lyrids have been observed in the Netherlands and Belgium with very fine weather! Nightsky proved to be completely clear from observing locations across the two countries! Almost a record number of observers observed the Lyrids and were not disappointed while rates were satisfactory (about equal as expected) and some fine meteors appeared.

One such fine Lyride meteor has been photographed by Jean-Marie Biets from Wilderen, Belgium about 30 km south-west of Hasselt. The Lyrid meteor appeared on April 22 at 01h52m41s UT.

Lyrids 2001 photographed by Jean-Marie Biets from Wilderen, Belgium

Geographical coordinates of station Wilderen (Jean-Marie Biets)

(Jean-Marie Biets)
Geographical longitude: 5°08'26" E
Geographical latitude: 50°49'17" N
Elevation: +70m

Photography at station Wilderen (Jean-Marie Biets) : Camera's and Films

Camera & SectorFilm & Developing
Camera: Canon AV-1Film: Kodak Tri-X Pan 400
Lens: Canon FD 1.8/50 mmDeveloper: Kodak T-Max
Aperture stop: 2.8Developing temperature: 20° C
Developing time: 10 minutes
Sector: 2 blades / 30°Stopbath: -
Stopping time: -
Rotational speed: 12.5 rpm
(25 breaks/second)
Fixing: ?
Fixing time: 10 minutes

Photography at station Wilderen (Jean-Marie Biets) : Exposuredata

Exposuredata on April 21/22, 2001 (all times in UT)
ElevationNegativeStartStopExp. time

An excellent Lyride fireball has been photographed multistation by Robert Haas, Alphen aan de Rijn and Casper ter Kuile, De Bilt. This Lyride fireball appeared on April 22 at 00h04m38s UT. Both photo's will be published at the Delphinus website and at the DMS website in due time. Please have a little more patience, thank you!

Geographical coordinates of stations De Bilt and Alphen a/d Rijn

De Bilt
(Casper ter Kuile)
Alphen a/d Rijn
(Robert Haas)
Topographical X-coordinate: -13650Topographical X-coordinate: -94652
Topographical Y-coordinate: -4900Topographical Y-coordinate: +593
Geographical longitude: 5.11.18,0Geographical longitude: 4.40.15,0
Geographical latitude: 52.06.43,0Geographical latitude: 52.09.12,0
Elevation: +2mElevation: -2m

Photography at station De Bilt (Casper ter Kuile) : Camera's and Films

Camera & SectorFilm & Developing
Camera: Canon T-70Film: Kodak Tri-X Pan 400
Lens: Canon FD 1.8/50 mmDeveloper: Kodak HC-110
Aperture stop: 2.8Developing temperature: 22° C
Developing time: 5:30 minutes
Sector: 8 blades / 22.5°Stopbath: Amaloco S 10
Stopping time: 2 minutes
Rotational speed: 12.5 rpm
(100 breaks/second)
Fixing: Amaloco X 88
Fixing time: 20 minutes

Photography at station De Bilt (Casper ter Kuile) : Exposuredata

Exposuretime 50 mm camera's: 7m58s
Exposuredata on April 21/22, 2001 (all times in UT)
ElevationNo. of
No. of
No. of
Total exp. time

Photography at station Alphen a/d Rijn (Robert Haas) : Camera's and Films

Camera & SectorFilm & Developing
Camera: Canon T-70Film: Kodak Tri-X Pan 400
Lens: Canon FD 1.8/50 mmDeveloper: Kodak HC-110
Aperture stop: 2.8Developing temperature: 22° C
Developing time: 3:45 minutes
Sector: 6 blades / 30°Stopbath: Amaloco S 10
Stopping time: 2 minutes
Rotational speed: 12.5 rpm
(75 breaks/second)
Fixing: Amaloco X 88
Fixing time: 20 minutes

Photography at station Alphen a/d Rijn (Robert Haas) : Exposuredata

Exposuretime 50 mm camera's: 7m58s
Exposuredata on April 21/22, 2001 (all times in UT)
ElevationNo. of
No. of
No. of
Total exp. time

Lyrid fireball April 22, 2001 at 00h04m38s UT from station De Bilt

Lyrid fireball April 22, 2001 at 00h04m38s UT from station De Bilt

Lyrid fireball April 22, 2001 at 00h04m38s UT from station Alphen

Lyrid fireball April 22, 2001 at 00h04m38s from station Alphen