Lyrids 1998: Visual Observations

team VST/EPS - Lattrop (Arnold Tukkers)

Hello everybody,

Below the Lyrid data of the night 22/34 april 1998 of Arnold Tukkers. I was observing from my backyard (garden) together with Rita Verhoef, my always humouristic female catcher off shooting starts. In the beginning it didn't see much meteors, i was a little tired. I saw one meteor in a constellation of four little stars in a square, and i didn't know witch constellation it was. Rita helped me,........ it was the Little Dipper. But later that night i saw more meteors, below the data.

Bye, Arnold Tukkers (ATL)

Date: april 22/23 1998
Location, Denekamp, the Netherlands, 52d 22N - 7d 00 E

UT              Teff      Lm      Lyr      Vir      Spo     

20.30 - 21.30   1.00      5.0     2        1        8 
21.30 - 22.30   1.00      5.2     5        2        14
22.30 - 23.30   0.50      6.2     6        0        9
23.30 - 00.30   1.00      6.2     7        0        12
00.30 - 01.00   1.00      6.0     5        0        6

Total                     5.5     25       3        49      (77)     

           -1     0    1    2    3    4    5    
Lyrids            1    5    5    6    8
Vir                                   3
Spor                   3    8    14   22    2

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