Leonids 2002 by team Galera / Pulpi

Remco Scheepmaker, Edo van Zanten, Mirjam Bouwman, Daniël van Os, Selma Koelers, Johan Lezwijn and Arthur Wiegman

Meteoren Net

Leoniden 2002 : Meteorenstorm boven Nederland en Belgie?

Leoniden 2002: Reisverslag van Team Cosmos

Observer:   Remco Scheepmaker, IMO-code: SCHRE

All times UT
Date    : November 18/19
Location: near Pulpi, province of Almeria, Spain (37.4 N 1.8 W)
Center  : RA 05h30m, Dec +38 at 00:30 UT (east)

Start End   Tm       Teff    LM    Leo Tau Spo Total   Cloud
22:30 23:00 22.75    0.50    5.2    0   0   2    2      0%
23:00 23:30 23.25    0.47    5.2    0   0   3    3      0%
23:30 00:00 23.75    0.48    5.2    0   0   4    4      0%      
00:00 00:30 00.25    0.25    5.2    2   0   0    2      0%
00:30 01:00 00.75    0.47    5.2    6   0   1    7     30%

22:30 01:00          2.17           8   0  10   18

After 01:00 UT sky conditions turned too bad for serious observing.
The thin cloud sheet varied from 50% to 95%.

                        Leonids Magnitude
Start  End            -6  -5  -4  -3  -2  -1   0   1   2   3   4     Total
01:00 01:05                                1                           1
   05      10                                1       1                 2
   10    15                                        1       1           2
   15    20 *Busy with                                                 - 
   20    25 camera and                                                 -
   25    30 other stuff                                                - 
   30    35                                        2                   2
   35    40            1                   1   2       1               6
   40    45                            1       1   1                   3
   45    50                                1       2                   3
   50    55                                        1   1               2
01:55 02:00                                    1                       1
02:00 02:05                            1           1   1               3
   05    10                        1                   3               4
   10    15                            1           1                   2
   15    20                                    1   1                   2
   20    25                                    1       1               2
   25    30 *Busy with camera          1                               1
   30    35                                        2                   2
   35    40                                    1   2   1               4
   40    45                                    1   3                   4
   45    50                                    1   1   1               3
   50    55 *Clouds getting thicker            2   2   3               7
02:55 03:00                                        2                   2 
03:00 03:05 *More clouds                       1       1               2
   05    10 *25-30 stars visible           1   1   1                   3
   10    15                                1                           1
   15    20 *Just 6 stars visible              1   1   1               3
   20    25 *30 stars visible          1                               1
03:25 03:55 *Sleeping most of the time                                 8 

01:00 03:55                                          Total: 76

Minute counts (03:55 means 03:55:00 to 03:55:59 inclusive) 

Minute  Leonids       Minute       Leonids            
---------------            ---------------            
03:55         2              04:30      8                      
   56      9               31      4      
   57      8               32      4   
   58      4               33      0  *busy with camera 
   59      6               34      3         
04:00      4               35      7
   01      5               36      2  *fireball at 4h36m50s ???
   02      12              37      2
   03      8               38      1
   04      7               39      2
   05      6               40      4  *clouds getting thicker
   06      6               41      -  break
   07      9               42      -  break
   08      8               43      1  break
   09      5               44      -  break
   10      9               45      2
   11      10              46      4
   12      10              47      4
   13      8               48      4
   14      5               49      1
   15      4               50      2
   16      8               51      1
   17      5               52      0 *busy with 
   18      12              53      0  microrecorder
   19      6               54      1
   20      5               55      0 *starting to yawn    
   21      15              56      0
   22      3 *mag -6 at    57      1
   23      5  4h22m55s!    58      1
   24      1 *busy with    59      2
   25      0  camera            
   26      7 *start taking 
   27      6  pictures
   28      4
   29      6            03:55 05:00        Total: 289
End of minute counts!!!

                        Leonids Magnitude
Start  End            -6  -5  -4  -3  -2  -1   0   1   2   3   4     Total
05:00 05:15                                                           9
05:15 05:30                            1       2   4   1              9 
05:30 05:45                            1   1   2       4   1         17
05:45 06:00                    1                   2   2              6

05:00 06:00                                           Total: 41

TOTAL:       414 Leonids and 15 sporadics 

Remco Scheepmaker

Date     :      Year 2002  Month 11   Date 17/18
Observer :      D.A.J. van Os
IMO-Code :      OSVDA
Observing place El Cura      Country : Spain
Coordinates :   f  37,8    ? : -2,6
Center of vision RA  05h50m   Dec  22   At : 01:45 UT
Start UT :      01:45
End UT   :      03:57
Teff [h] :      2,06

Period UT    Tm T.eff Lm Stream                          Spo Ntot
Start  End  [h]  [h]     Leo Tau
01:45 02:00 1,87 0,25 5,3  1                                   1  
02:00 02:15 2,12 0,25 5,3                                  3   3  
02:15 02:30 2,37 0,23 5,3                                  1   1  
02:30 02:45 2,62 0,25 5,3  1                               2   3  
02:45 03:00 2,87 0,25 5,3  3   1                               4  
03:00 03:15 3,12 0,25 5,2  1                               4   5  
03:15 03:23 3,32 0,13 5,2  1                               1   2  
03:30 03:45 3,62 0,25 5,2                                  1   1  
03:45 03:57 3,85 0,20 5,2  2   1                               3  
Total           2,06      9   2   0   0   0   0   0   0   12  23 

Stream       -6  -5   -4  -3  -2  -1  0   1   2   3   4   5   6  total  mean
Leo          0    0   0           2   1   1   2   1   2            9    1,56
Tau          0    0   0   0   0   0           1   1           0    2    2,50
Spo          0    0   0   0       0   1   2   3   3   3       0    12   2,42


Observing started at approx. 23 UT, but there were too many clouds at that time.
After the sky cleared, the air got quite moist.
The Taurid in the last period was (and is) one of the most beautifull meteors
I ever saw. It was orange/red and visible for at least 2 seconds and flared
several times.

Date     :      Year 2002   Month 11   Date 18/19
Observer :      D.A.J. van Os
IMO-Code :      OSVDA
Observing place Pulpi     Country : Spain
Coordinates :   f  37,4    ? : -1,8
Center of vision RA  23h30m  Dec 60   At : 22:30 UT
Start UT :      22:30
End UT   :      01:00
Teff [h] :      2,25                                    

Period UT    Tm T.eff Lm Stream                          Spo Ntot
Start  End  [h]  [h]     Leo Tau
22:30 22:45 22,6 0,25 5,2                                  1   1  
22:45 23:00 22,8 0,25 5,1                                  1   1  
23:00 23:15 23,1 0,25 5,2                                  1   1  
23:15 23:30 23,3 0,25 5,2                                  1   1  
23:30 23:45 23,6 0,25 5,0                                  2   2  
23:45 00:00 23,8 0,25 5,0  1                                   1  
00:00 00:15 0,12 0,25 5,3  1                                   1  
00:30 00:45 0,62 0,25 5,3  2                                   2  
00:45 01:00 0,87 0,25 5,0  6                                   6  
Total           2,25      10  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   6   16 

Stream       -6  -5   -4  -3  -2  -1  0   1   2   3   4   5   6  total  mean
Leo          0    0   0               1   2   3   2   2            10   2,20
Spo          0    0   0   0       0   0   3   1   1   1       0    6    2,00


The air was quite moist all night and at least one small Lenticularis cloud
was present all the time. Still, untill 1 UT the conditions were reasonable
for official observing. After 1 UT some serious patches of cloud drifted in
causing very uneven conditions across the skies. I continued observing but
in a less strict way. A maximum of 11 meteors per minute was seen around 
4:15 UT. Only one real earthgazer was observed and only two real bright Leonids
( a -4 and a -7)

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