Leonids 2000 : Photo Results
DMS-members observing the Leonids 2000
Geographical coordinates of stations De Bilt and Chaam
De Bilt
(Casper ter Kuile)Chaam
(Robert Haas)Topographical X-coordinate: -13650 Topographical X-coordinate: -94652 Topographical Y-coordinate: -4900 Topographical Y-coordinate: +593 Geographical longitude: 5.11.40,4 Geographical longitude: 4.54.37,0 Geographical latitude: 52.06.42,2 Geographical latitude: 51.29.12,0 Elevation: +2m Elevation: -2m
Photography at station De Bilt (Casper ter Kuile) : Camera's and Films
Camera & Sector Film & Developing Camera: Canon T-70 Film: Kodak Tri-X Pan 400 Lens: Canon FD 1.8/50 mm Developer: Kodak HC-110 Aperture stop: 2.8 Developing temperature: 22° C
Developing time: 5:00 minutesSector: 6 blades / 30° Stopbath: Amaloco S 10
Stopping time: 2 minutesRotational speed: 12.5 rpm
(75 breaks/second)Fixing: Amaloco X 88
Fixing time: 20 minutes
Photography at station De Bilt (Casper ter Kuile) : Exposuredata
Exposuretime 50 mm camera's: 7m58s Exposuredata on November 16/17, 2000 (all times in UT) Camera
arrayElevation No. of
Cam.No. of
Exp.No. of
[hh:mm]Total exp. time
[hh:mm]High 75° 4 32 128 21:31:00 01:47:00 4h16m
Photography at station Chaam (Robert Haas) : Camera's and Films
Camera & Sector Film & Developing Camera: Canon T-70 Film: Kodak Tri-X Pan 400 Lens: Canon FD 1.8/50 mm Developer: Kodak HC-110 Aperture stop: 2.8 Developing temperature: 22° C
Developing time: 3:45 minutesSector: 6 blades / 30° Stopbath: Amaloco S 10
Stopping time: 2 minutesRotational speed: 12.5 rpm
(75 breaks/second)Fixing: Amaloco X 88
Fixing time: 20 minutes
Photography at station Chaam (Robert Haas) : Exposuredata
Exposuretime 50 mm camera's: 7m58s Exposuredata on November 16/17, 2000 (all times in UT) Camera
arrayElevation No. of
Cam.No. of
Exp.No. of
[hh:mm]Total exp. time
[hh:mm]High 75° 4 37 148 21:30:00 02:26:00 4h16m Mid 50° 7 37 259 21:30:00 02:26:00 4h16m
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This page was last modified on Juni 1, 2001 by Robert Haas and Casper ter Kuile |