1999 Leonids
Rapid Information Dissemination

Marc Gyssens (IMO) - november 11, 1999

I N T E R N A T I O N A L   M E T E O R   O R G A N I Z A T I O N

1999 Leonids: Rapid Information Dissemination

Dear meteor observer,

From earlier communications, you have learned that the IMO is setting
up a communication network to obtain reliable information as soon as
possible after the event in the morning of November 18. We invite you
to contribute to this effort. 

First of all, we want to point out you must DISTINGUISH between the
USUAL OBSERVATIONAL REPORTS, such as collected by the IMO's Visual
Commission, and which may be used for detailed, global analyses, and
the "EXPRESS REPORT" described below which serves as sole purpose the
compilation of a rough but reliable picture of the activity within
hours after the event.

The EXPRESS REPORT should have the following format:

Meteo R. Observer
Fireball City (45N 10E)

Time Interval (UT)    Lim. Magn.    Nr. of Leonids     Remarks (if any)
01:15-01:30           5.8           27                 None
01:30-01:45           5.9           56                 None
01:45-02:00           6.1           156                None

To the extent possible, bin your observations for this "express report"
in time interval of 15 MINUTES.

(Again, the full report of your observations will be different from
this express report, as shorter intervals are required as well as
magnitude distributions and some additional data - see the earlier
posted article with visual observing hints - but the above data
suffice for the purpose indicated.)

If you wish to collaborate with the IMO in this respect, please send
your express report for the night of November 17/18 ONLY (or, of course,
for any unexpected activity you might happen to witness) 
*** IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE OBSERVATION *** to the following email


The latter is a back-up address in case Web-site access to www.imo.net
would prove to slow down our computer too much. This back-up address
will be active only on November 17 and 18!

Thank you in advance for any collaboration we may receive!

Marc Gyssens
International Meteor Organization

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Dutch Meteor Society This page was last modified on November 12, 1999 by
Casper ter Kuile, Carl Johannink, Hans Betlem