Leonids 1995: Sonic boom

Sonic boom recordings of a bright Taurid fireball over Andalucia, Spain

[fireball] On november 17, 1995 at 23h59m33s UT a magnificent -10 Taurid fireball exploded above the Province of Andalucia of Spain. This photo is taken by the DMS observing team at Alcudia.

The fireball appeared during the Leonid observing campaign which was setup by the Dutch Meteor Society in collaboration with SOMYCE; the Spanish Meteor Society. Sonic booms of this Taurid fireball have been recorded at Zafaraya and Almedinilla with video-camera's. The fireball has been photographed by three stations of the network and is the brightest fireball ever photographed by members of DMS.

Taurid fireball 95-11-17; 23:59:33
Almedinilla Zafaraya
[Tau1_Alm] [Tau2_Alm]
[Tau1_Zaf] [Tau2_Zaf]

Please click on the corresponding stations to listen to the audiorecordings of the detonations:
If you do not hear any sounds please check the setup of your WWW-browser. It should be properly configured for playing audio WAV files. You can use the mediaplayer which comes with windows.


Recording of the sonic boom at station Zafaraya (Klaas Jobse, Marc de Lignie)

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Casper ter Kuile and Hans Betlem and Pavel Spurny