Fireball's 06-05-2000 / 11:51:25 UT and
10-05-2000 / 17:15:25 UT (Pavel Spurny)
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Recently a second part of the Moravka meteorite of 340 gram was found, again at Moravka. The finding was very close to the place where the first part was found. The second piece is also brought to the Ondrejov Observatory for taking photographs. (right)
The Moravka-1 is currently being analyzed in Italy.
Big progress has been made in the reduction of the video images of the Moravka fall.
Reliable results for orbit and trajectory will be published soon.
Photo's supplied by Hans Betlem
Hello friends,
A few hours ago I received exciting news from Pavel Spurny, head of the Department of Interplanetary Matter at Ondrejov Observatory and one of the principal investigators of the European Fireball Network. In the last few days there have been two daylight fireballs in central/east Europe with a brightness similar to the Sun. The first of these dropped a meteorite, which was discovered thereafter and is currently analysed.
Pavel writes:
">" you will be probably interested in our last case from May 6. ">" Thousands of people observed extremely bright daylight bolide ">" over the southern Poland and north-eastern Moravia on May 6, ">" at 11:51:25 UT. It was a really huge event - at the maximum ">" the brightness was comparable with the Sun! Just after the bolide, ">" the meteorite fall was observed on the garden at small silesian ">" village Moravka (Ostrava and Beskydy mountain region) and one ">" very nice small meteorite (214.2g) was immediately found. ">" What is very important for us is the fact that we already have three ">" good quality videorecords of this event and thus we are able ">" completely reconstruct the atmospheric trajectory and also ">" heliocentric orbit. In this respect it is the fifth case in the history. ... ">" Moreover, on Wednesday May 10 we have the second case with ">" practically the same brightness!!! and also during daylight - 17:15:25 ">" UT. ">" This fireball flew over southern part of Moravia and terminated over ">" north-eastern part of Austria. We have a lot of visual observations ">" from our country, Slovakia but no one from Austria.
Both the analysis of the meteorite and of the fireball trajectory is under way. We will keep you informed about further progress in this subject.
Sirko Molau
-- ************************************************************************** * Dipl.-Inform. Sirko Molau * * * RWTH Aachen, Lehrstuhl fuer Informatik VI * __ * * Ahornstr. 55, D-52056 Aachen, Germany * " 2B v 2B " * * * * * phone: +49-241-8021615 * Shakespeare * * fax : +49-241-8888219 * * * email: * * ************************************************************************** * www : * **************************************************************************
Dear Friends,
I have got an information through some intermediaries that your list dealt a couple of days ago with the 10 May fireball above southern Moravia (or above eastern Austria, according to other observers). I would like to inform you that this fireball was mentioned by many participants of the Hungarian amateur astronomers' mailing list Csilla.
The fireball itself was observed by one only observer in town Gyor (in NW Hungary, on the bank of Danube). It is important, however, that this single person observed the birth of a funny, very huge cloud formation from the track of the fireball. This huge cloud formation, seen on the page by Viktor Veres, reporter of the Hungarian newspaper Nepszava) was observed from many parts of Hungary, from considerably great distances: from Gyor, Budapest, Paks (near to centre of Hungary, on the bank of Danube), etc. during several hours, beginning with its birth just after the fireball event, and ending with comlete darkness.
The two facts,
- that it was observed from distances 200-300 kilometres or more
- that it was illuminated white above the dark town and above red or dark normal clouds means, that it was formed in very great hights, likely above 100 km, or, may be, above 150 km in the thermosphere. It means at the same time that the sizes of the cloud formation were also very great, perhaps in the 100 km order of magnitudes.
Sincerely yours,
George Valas************************************************************* GEORGE VALAS, Physicist, Freelance Information Consultant c/o National Technical Information Centre and Library, OMIKK Street Address: Muzeum u. 17., Budapest VIII., Hungary Mail Address: P.O.Box 12, Budapest, H-1428, Hungary Phone: +36 1 338 2300; Fax: +36 1 338 2414; E-mail: *************************************************************
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