Perseids 2004 : all over Europe!

DMS Perseid Expedition 2004 to:
Biddinghuizen (the Netherlands), Britzingen (Germany), Darmanesti and Corbasca (Romania)

List of observersList of observers
Observing locationObserving location
Weather situationWeather situation
Expedition picturesExpedition pictures
Visual observationsVisual observations
Video observationsVideo observations
Links to external sourcesLinks to external sources
Romanian and Dutch Observers at the Darmanesti campsite waiting for the Perseids
Famous Romanian and Dutch visual observers
Christian Grigore, Brian Tukkers, Niek Nijland and Alexandru Grigore.
At left Valentin with phone and at right Arnold Tukkers.
Image by Jos Nijland at camp Darmanesti.

Last updated - 6 january 2005

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